Saturday, January 21, 2012

Obey and respect teachers!

Teachers play a great role in educating us, students. It is they who give us the basic foundation apart from our parents and family. Due to this, we are able to face a lot of challenges in life. Teaching is a noble profession as even kings, queens and other famous inventors, artists and scientists have all once been taught by them.
Without teachers, we would be like a boat without proper direction to sail. We would not know how to read or write. We are able to become great doctors, engineers, accountants and famous people in various other fields because of what we gain from teachers.
So, we must respect and obey our teachers, but sadly, in the modern world, many students do not obey or respect them. Many students ignore teachers and do not give them due respect. They do not realise the value of education and the role teachers play in educating us. Many students think that teachers are there to torture them and deprive them of enjoying their school days.
They must realise that they are there for their own benefit; to educate them and show them the right path. They do not take the maximum use of what teachers have to offer them.
We should respect, obey and follow their advice always to succeed in life. We should also be ready to help teachers when they are in need of any assistance. Remember, respecting teachers is a noble deed.

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